Freud Fact Sheet

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¬Age Freud Age Piaget Age Erikson Age Kegan’s Birth 1y Oral -Feeding is stimulating -Sucking -Biting -Breast feeding ID -Own satisfaction 0-2y Sensorimotor -Reflex -Objects extension of self -Immediate environment -manipulate their world 0-18m Trust vs Mistrust -Family love and support -Stranger danger learned when needs are not met 0-2 Incorporative -own immediate needs -no other -depend on caretaker -reflexes 1to 3y Anal -Pleasure from body toilet training -Society’s rules -They are on their own EGO realistic 2-7y Pre-operational -Can’t see someone else’s point of view 18m-3y Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt -Become sufficient -Walking and toilet 2-7 Impulsive -Short attention -Unpredictable -Fantasies 3-6y Phallic -Focus on penis and clitoris SUPER EGO Conscious Ideal self 7-11y Concrete -Realize one’s own thoughts and feelings are unique -Focuses …show more content…

Emphasis was placed on the first few years conveying they are of critical importance for proper development. Freud communicated that we may become struck or fixed if we are not properly nurtured through a stage. Piaget (1896-1980) Piaget developed a developmental stage theory that included four-stages. He based it on the principle that children actively construct knowledge as they explore and manipulate the world around them. According, to Piaget a progressive reorganization of mental processes resulting from biological maturation and environmental experience. The theory deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans gradually come to obtain, construct, and implement it. Erickson (1902-1994) Erickson developed an eight-stage psychosocial theory of development. Erickson believed to conflicting ideas must be resolved to become a well-functioning member of society. Additionally, Erickson thought that a combination of biological and sociocultural forces influenced development. Kegan