Friar John Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," is a timeless story about forbidden love and mankind's desperation for romance, no matter how daunting or humiliating the task. Our two lovers, named Romeo and Juliet as the title presents, are restricted by fate, as they each persist to a rival family. They see past their archaic feud and become secretly wed. The couple, along with a friar, devise a plan to run away together and escape the grasp of their families horrid clash. The plan goes awry as word of the plan does not reach Romeo, and results in the death of both him and his beloved Juliet. Now there is much speculation as to whom the ultimate blame falls upon, whether it be the families for fighting for a reason they cannot recall, or Romeo's …show more content…

The very instance that the two belong to opposing groups is only one example of destiny's twisted humor. Now some would argue that it is wholly Friar John's fault for not delivering the plans to Romeo. This is viable, yet one could argue that it is ultimately fate's hand for casting a plague upon unsuspecting Friar John, hindering him from completing his crucial mission. Fate, or in this case Fortune, is brought to attention in the play when Juliet consults the stars to deliver Romeo back safely. She asks, "O Fortune, Fortune! All men call thee fickle. If thou art fickle, what dost thou with him That is renowned for faith? Be fickle, Fortune. For then I hope thou wilt not keep him long, But send him back" (Shakespeare Act 3. Scene 5. Line 60-64). Juliet acknowledges fate and pleads it return Romeo to her safely, also meaning for their love to not be mangled and for fate to evade them. Fate is the determined cause of Romeo and Juliet's demise, for it is fate which construes these means of complication for our heroes' undying love. It is fate which renders these two households as mortal enemies, and it is also fate for summoning a plague upon the only person who could prevent the couples