Friar Lawrence Research Paper

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Romeo and Juliet: The Role of Friar Lawrence Friar Lawrence is the local Roman Catholic Priest who becomes a trusted person to both Romeo and Juliet. The people of Verona think very highly of the Friar, and could have never imagined the role he would play in the two lover’s tragic story. Friar’s are required to take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The vows are to be achieved through service to society. Friars are different from the traditional monk, where as monk’s live among other monk’s in a private community. Friar’s live among the community and interact with the people of their area. Friar’s have many duties that they must accomplish. The duties include priestly duties, charitable work, and communication ( spreading their religion). Friar Lawrence causes the downfall of Romeo and Juliet because he marries them for political gain, helps them keep their relationship a secret, and he exhibits poor judgment when his plans fail. Friar Lawrence actions lead to the downfall of Romeo and Juliet, he married Romeo and Juliet for his own personal gain. With the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence seeks to receive the glory that would come with ending such a long standing feud between the Montagues and Capulets. “Friar Lawrence’s political self-interest is much more evolved and an interesting case as the …show more content…

The marriage of Romeo and Juliet that occured without parental consent is the beginning point where the Friar begins his depiction of the Capulet family. The Capulet’s are under the impression that their daughter Juliet will marry Count Paris. The members of the Montague family believe that their young Romeo is still getting over the “love” of his life Rosaline. The wedding itself of Romeo and Juliet is conducted in secret. With the Friar, Romeo, and Juliet present at the ceremony. “He must have motive for defying canon laws that forbade clergy from performing secret