
Friar Lawrence To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Laurence was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. The events leading up to death of Romeo and Juliet were caused by what the Friar. If it weren’t for the Friar and his plan for the two star-crossed lovers to fake their death and run away, they would’ve lived longer. Although the teenagers were secretly dating, the Friar insisted on marrying them and creating a plan that would allow them to live happily ever after, except the plan wasn’t fool-proof. Romeo didn’t get the letter from Friar Laurence and was unaware that Juliet was going to fake her death. “Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood/ the letter was not nice but full of charge/ of dear import, and the neglecting it/ may do much damage” (V. ll. 18-21). Without the letter regarding Juliet’s fake death, Romeo thought she was actually dead and rushed to see her. “Why I descend into this bed of death/ Is partly to behold my lady’s face” (V. ll. 32-33). Since Romeo …show more content…

“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire/ The day is hot; the Capulets, abroad/ And if we meet we shall not ‘scrape a brawl” (lll. l. 1-3). This evidence shows that both families were trying to protect their kids and keep them from fighting or killing each other. “Now, by Saint Peter’s church and Peter too/ He shall not make me a joyful bride… I will not marry yet. And when I do, I swear/ It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate/ Rather than Paris. These are news indeed!” (lll. V. 116-123). This evidence reveals that the Capulets were going to force Juliet into marriage with Paris so that she could carry on the bloodline. In actuality, If the parents hadn’t kept them for seeing each other in front of the families, the families would have killed each other knowing the teenager’s relationship, the feud would have been over, and the two teens would’ve lived so the parents and the feud were not to blame for the death of Romeo and

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