Fruit Fly Lab Report

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Introduction Purpose and Research question The purpose of this experiment is to identify which DNA mutation is responsible for the mutant brown eye color phenotype in sepia Drosophila melanogaster. To carry out this experiment, DNA sequences were compared and analyzed to make connection between genotype and phenotype through molecular analysis of both wild type control flies and mutant sepia (CMMB, 2018). Background The subjects of this experiment are Drosophila melanogaster’s, which are commonly known as fruit flies. They are model organism’s for genetical experiments due to their fast generation time, size, reproductive abilities and well-defined genetics. They have only four chromosomes, known as 1(X), 2, 3, and 4. Chromosome one is a …show more content…

None of the fly debris was transferred, rather they were disposed of into the biohazard bin. The next step was done under the fume hood and it involved in the addition of 200 μL phenol using a pipettor. After adding the phenol, the tubes were shut and then carefully vortexed for approximately 30 seconds. Then, the tubes were placed into the centrifuge in a balancing manner for 5 minutes at top speed. Next under the fume hood, using a pipettor, 75 μL of the top layers were transferred into two new, clean and labeled tubes. These two new tubes were labeled as aqueous, in addition to the specific phenotype. The remaining in the old tubes were disposed into the phenol waste bin (CMMB, …show more content…

After setting aside those two -RNase tubes, 4 μL of RNase was pipetted into each of the original aqueous tubes. Then, 6 μL from the aqueous tubes, which now contained RNase, were transferred into two new, clean and labeled 1.5ml tubes; moreover, these two tubes were labeled as +RNase in addition phenotype. At this point we had three sets of tube, each set containing one of each phenotype; moreover, one set was labeled -RNase, another was labeled +RNase and lastly, a set labeled aqueous. Finally, in two new, clean, and labeled 1.5 mL tube, using a pipettor, 95 μL of sterile molecular grade water and 5 μL of each RNAS treated DNA was added; these were labeled as 1:20 dilution in addition to the phenotype (CMMB,

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