Functions Of Government Bureaucracy

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Government bureaucracy what is it? Who are they? Are they the real government, the ones doing the actual work?
Government bureaucracy is the folks who do all the behind the scenes work, laymen’s terms one could compare government bureaucracy to administrative assistants. I am going to look at this from a personal angel of being an administrative assistant I wear many hats, one of those hats is being the direct report to the department Captain, the Captain is one of three of the departments highest ranking positions. I am highly trained in many roles in which the Captain performs his daily tasks, this is not always a good thing for me. While my Captain is out taking two-hour lunches or when he’s called out of the office, or while he is on vacation, …show more content…

He returns to the office, stops by my desk, grabs his work that I completed and reports to the Chief of Police, based off of my summarizations and recommendations. Who is really doing the work? Who is really running the show? If the position did not require a sworn status, once I have finished my bachelors’ degree program, I could perform the job and do it well. The government bureaucracy functions in a similar way, it’s the folks behind the scenes, working their tails off, while others hold the high-ranking positions earning large salaries, however the American people know this and that is where the controversy comes from as to whether or not the bureaucracy is the real government. Do I think the bureaucracy is the real American government, no, but I do however feel as …show more content…

The cabinet departments are comprised of fifteen departments; Department of State, Treasury Department, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Department of Housing and Urban Developments, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Energy, Department of Education, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Homeland Security. Each department is headed by a Secretary, expect the Department of Justice which is headed by the Attorney General. Each department head sits on the President’s cabinet, as presidential advisors for their specific department. While each department has their areas of expertise, their roles and responsibilities are broad (, 2018, 8b). An example of a government corporation is the U.S. Postal Service, entities such as the postal service do not belong to any department, they are a business, therefore they stand alone (, 2018, 8b). Independent agencies are similar to cabinet departments; however, they are much smaller and not as complex. Lastly, regulatory commission, they are responsible for regulating large industries and businesses that affect our economy. Working in law enforcement, our agency has a close relationship