The Lost Boys Analysis

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1. Using the sociological perspective, identify and explain the issues, problems and concerns of the Lost Boys. The issues for these young men were first and for most survival. Along with the tragic deaths of their parents, brothers and sisters had to be the most excruciating pain any human could bear. I am quite sure that the other problems they had to deal with were the fact of enemies continually bearing down on them and their need to continually move their location. Furthermore, their every waking moment their faith had to be challenged and wonder if their God would deliver them. Lost Boys of Sudan, 2. Identify and explain all the culture norms of their society (the Lost Boys) and how they compare and …show more content… Conflict theory - Argument that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature (Introduction to Sociology, page 168).When the colonial powers introduced their market economy in Sudan towards the end of the last century; they simultaneously restricted its development and expansion by indigenous Sudanese in order to maintain political and economic control. After independence, however, a Sudanese `national bourgeoisie ' began to evolve from a primarily mercantile social class now ostensibly freed from colonial control. There were, nonetheless, several strong barriers to the development and progress of a middle class whose European equivalents had brought about the industrial revolution. In Sudan they lacked the major prerequisites for industrialization - namely capital, technical and scientific know-how and markets - and so their focus shifted from manufacturing production to the extraction of natural resources. The collapse of attempts at industrialization - mainly substitute industrialization - led to exploitation of accessible …show more content…

The Sudan Peoples ' Liberation Movement (SPLM) grew to enjoy the support of a large section of the rural poor and dispossessed in the North, since it addressed the fears of marginalized peoples. This marked a fundamental transformation of the original north-south division of the country, with ethnicity superseded by economic exigency. The ethnically mixed urban poor of Khartoum were able to say, "Inshallah, John Garang will liberate us". (The recent split in the SPLA- patched up again at the Abjure conference in June 1992 with the move by Garang towards the advocates of separation of the South - suggests that tribal and racial loyalties are still active factors, however, and that rhetoric may not always be matched by reality). The war in the South is best understood as resulting from opposing political approaches to the reality of diminishing resources. In the search for a lasting peace it is necessary to understand this new dimension to the old conflict.