Fustrati Frustration Research Paper

574 Words3 Pages

A bright, juicy orange will make mouths start to salivate. The reaction shows that the person has tried to fruit before and wants the flavour again. People go to extreme lengths to satisfy their desire. For instance, the person will want more than one orange to gain happiness. However, after eating the fruit, they will have to clean up their mess, yet will not want to. Humans try to gain authority to not take responsibility for any unbearable activities. Having power will create laziness; the possible ways to avoid their situations cause harm to others. Once a person experiences the power of control, their greed will cause them to become evil. Money defines authority in the society, and people often obey to the wealthiest person. In the past, rich people bought slaves and put them under their power. The slaves were unable to express their thoughts because they did not have the power to stand up and argue, due to money. Commonly, the society is interested in luxuries. They compete to achieve and gain wealth, which may involve robbery or murder. People are blinded from money that leads to committing crimes. All generations have agreed that being wealthy defines power. …show more content…

People can become violent when they are feeling any source of negativity, even towards their loving members. When a parent shows violence to their child, the child will grow up learning what they should be greedy for: power. The child will grow up and will show their kids what they have learned, which is abuse. People learning from others actions shows that “violence is a disease” (Zimbarido 2009). In order to keep and live in a place controlled under power, the person in authority will take away and limit properties for other. Yet, they will keep and do any actions freely for themselves. Their actions are seen as selfishness, yet the emotion is a part of greed. Even within families, the act of greed can be shown with