
Why Some High School Students Are Not Providing Enough Career-Based Classes

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Some High Schools aren’t providing enough career based classes for students, and students are graduating un prepared for their future careers. Students aren’t getting the enough help with graduating, and most students are only completing a small number of courses that have them college ready or career ready. Only a small amount of high school students are completing classes that prepare them for college and future careers. In the article, “Only 8 Percent of Students Complete College- and Career-Ready Curriculum” by Catherine Getwertz states, “Only 7 percent complete a curriculum sequence that prepares them for both career and college.” A small portion of students, which isn’t even half aren’t graduating well prepared due to not enough career curriculums. There is only a small number of career classes and the rest of the students that aren’t completing career curriculums is because they aren’t interested, and it’s …show more content…

In the article, “Give high school students more exposure to training for a variety of careers”, by Jeffrey J. Sellingo states, “By giving high school students exposure to jobs, perhaps we can help fill the jobs that are coming available and give people access to fulfilling careers.” Giving students more classes that are based on jobs can help them fulfill their career and actually be ready to take on that career path. Students could have the choice of taking courses that are in a way job training and, those courses would be their choice. They would do better also because they choice which career class and weren’t forced to take one due to the small number of career classes offered. That’s why, high school should offer more career based class options so, students will be ready for their future

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