Futurefuel Stakeholder Statement

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FutureFuel Annual Shareholder Report
FutureFuel is dedicated to generating long-term shareholder value. Through innovative technologies and research, FutureFuel continuously seeks new renewable and viable alternatives sources of energy to meet the growing needs of energy consumption while protecting the environment for future generation.
FutureFuel is an oil company with concerns for the future. For the las several years there has been growing concern on the viability of fossil fuel consumption and its long-term effects on the environment. New technologies and innovations allow for development of new supplies for energy in a safe, secure, and environmentally sustainable manner. Access to affordable and reliable sources of energy is vital to the development to technologies that promote efficiency and productivity for businesses and communities.
Like Seventh Generation, taking their name from the teaching of the Native Americal Iroquis Confederacy: “In our every …show more content…

Everyone shares a legitimate concern for the environment, and have shown support of Ms. Hardy;s vision though buying shares of the company. In order to contine to be an ethics-based company, FutureFuel must continue to place prirotiy on serving its employees, their customers, and bettering the community. Accodring to Peter Leppik (2004) states that there are four groups that companies have an ethical responsibility for: employees, customers, community, and shareholders. FutureFuel recognizes also that it has an ethical duty to the shareholders of course, as FutureFuel is dedicated to generating long-term value for shareholders, however it cannot come ar the expense of the other

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