The Manifesto Of Futurism By Fillipo Marinetti

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Futurism is an art form that was discovered in 1909 by the Italian futurist Filippo Marinetti. It challenges and villainizes the traditional ways of life and targets artists to be open and bright towards the future and more modern technology. During the time, new inventions such as machines were challenging the way of life for most people. Futurism was very prominent in Italy during this time, however, the Futurism movement struck other parts of the world but this was not seen until a few years later. Famous and well-known futurism artists known for their work are Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Natalia Goncharova, and Gino Severini. The Italian Futurism Movement abruptly ended in the late 1920’s. The artistic movement was very influential …show more content…

However, some artists developed their own manifestos from ones that were originally created. An example of an artist who was influenced specifically by Marinetti’s manifesto on futurism is a woman by the name of Valentine de Saint- Point. Saint-Point was the author of The Manifesto of Futurist Women and the Futurist Manifesto of Lust. Both of her manifestos, in which she does not receive a lot of credit for, created a way for Saint-Point to develop and reach feminist ideas in which not many females were able to reach during the time. Her ideas were strongly influenced by two men who were developing a futuristic outlook. These two men were Canudo and Marinetti. “Her thoughts were enriched as she interacted with two visions of modernity: Canudo’s, more conceptual, eroticised and sensual, and Marinetti’s, more destructive, provocative and energetic,” (Adrien Sina and Sarah Wilson) However, her ideas motioned female artists into beginning to create pieces that were associated with futurism. Most of her art works were developed around the idea of feminism including, A Love, which was published in 1906, and A Women and Desire, which was published in 1910(Adrien Sina and Sarah Wilson). Although her works were based on feminism, her manifestos were both greatly influenced off of the works of men, specifically Marinetti’s manifesto on …show more content…

Boccioni was a main contributor to the publication of “The Manifesto of Futurist Painters,” which was published in Marinetti’s magazine, called the Poesia(The Art Story). However, Boccioni was not finished creating manifestos of his own after this, he then, in the same year, published another manifesto known as, “Technical Manifesto of Futurist Painting.” Many sources note that Boccioni was one of the most influential futurism artists as well as becoming one of the first. “Boccioni proved to be Futurism 's most outspoken proponent and foremost theorist, not to mention primarily responsible for applying Marinetti 's example to the visual arts” (The Art Story). He was influenced by many artists such as Filippo Marinetti, Gino Severini, and Giacomo Balla however, Boccioni influenced many other important artists such as Mario Sironi, Antonio Sant’Elia, and Kazimir. As well as influencing these artists, he also influenced movements such as the futurism, cubism, and constructivism