Futurist Manifesto Essay

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The Futurist artist Giacomo Balla differentiates from Duchamp by using his individualistic art style to capture the mechanised world around him. Balla's role as an artist is to use new art techniques to spread his philosophy of Futurism and the manifesto to the world in order to convert them to understand his love for the speed of machines. The Futurist Manifesto develops an aggressive obsession with modern technology and the potentiality of industrial machines, by witnessing the invention of the car and motorcycles in cities and the aeroplanes in the sky, Balla uses Cubist techniques to capture the Futurist's fascination of the speed and sound of the machines on canvas, unlike Duchamp, Balla and other Futurists do not aim to destroy art but …show more content…

This visual allusion captures the speed and machineries such as cars and airplanes dominating society. The middle of the canvas is composed of and dominated by large spiral shells that represent the walls of a tunnel, this symbiotic element visually captures the sound and speed of a motorcycle as it blurs past the tunnel and fades away. Balla's use of layers of geometric shapes, inspired by the art style of Cubist painters, captures the speed of the motorcycle through repetition of diagonal lines and swirls to show off extreme speed and acceleration to the audience. The repetitive use of waves captures the dust cloud created by a motorcycle as it speeds up. Additionally, the canvas is composed of curves to symbolise the curves and shapes of a motorbike, the body, the wheels and the pipes of the motorcycle is hidden at the back of the canvas, blemished by the large curves, swirls and lines. The artwork is also in balance with its position of lines and geometric shapes and the smooth lines and shading make the canvas more eye-catching and interesting to the audience, this intention is to draw their attention to Balla's Futurist philosophy and convert them to love modern