
Gabriel Rebellion Essay

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With the building economy and the rise of a functioning form of government, there have been a lot of changes happening. Everyone wanted to have a say in how things would run now that they had freedom. With African Americans wanting their own freedom, to the poor white men wanting more control over the government. This had the elite of the white men fear that this movement would threaten the lifestyle they had known to come as a right to them, as they thought of themselves as the better of the people. Then when the workers complained about their position, elites claimed that they were not trying hard enough. However, when the non-elite finally reached elite status, they used their position to take charge, and try to make a difference. The Enlightenment …show more content…

This brought fear to white Americans and southern plantation owners alike, knowing that this would affect their way of life. Then later on, the Gabriel Rebellion showed that African Americans were able to successfully put together a rebellion against the discrimination they had always received. So, to protect their way of life, for now, it was to hold information about these events and instead use it as a way to reinforce white supremacy and pro-slavery. Not wanting to risk losing the mind set to being the superior beings of the New World, elite white men went against the movement that would prove good work in the future. The New World was known to be coded white and wealthy, making it harder for anyone who did not meet those standards to struggle. They would also be ridiculed by the elite white men of society, only seeing the other being tools to grow their wealth, hardly caring about anyone else. Many were concerned about the growing divide between the rich and the working class, as northern society tried to go towards commercialization and an early capitalist …show more content…

Even if Andrew Jackson came from a poor background, he found himself at an elite status of president. One of the many conflicts that Andrew Jackson was a part of was The Nullification Crisis. Southerners feared federal laws that threatened their way of life, so to resolve conflicts, Jackson tried to reduce tariffs. However, it did not work, resulting to Jackson stating in “President Jackson’s Proclamation Regarding Nullification”, “...Having the fullest confidence in the justness of the legal and constitutional opinion of my duties which has been expressed, I rely with equal confidence on your undivided support in my determination to execute the laws-to preserve the Union...” Even with the disagreement regarding how much federal control would be allowed in certain states, Jackson tried to represent the common man, going against the already standard of the nation being wealthy and white coded. This would lead to issues regarding political struggles, but lead to the evolution of the American government. With the growth of government, there were a lot of opportunities for the common man to reach elite status without requiring the elite

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