
Galileo Galilei Research Paper

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Galileo Galilei was a great risk taker and balanced learner. He demonstrated these learner attributes when he was studying space in depth in the year 1610, and when he was backing up the Copernican theory. This theory bases around the sun being the center of our solar system (Heliocentrism) it was first thought of by philosopher Nicolaus Copernicus. The church denied this theory and insisted on the center being the earth. Galileo proved this by observing Jupiter and discovering it’s 4 moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Believing in the Copernican Theory could get you in a lot of trouble back then because it was against the church’s belief of an earth-centered solar system also known as Geocentricism. The church in the 1500s-1600s was
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