Garbage By Alane Ferguson Essay

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What’s that smoke smell? It’s the smell of The Angel of Death burning in the bonfires in the bonfires of anyone that has read this book. This literary piece of garbage by Alane Ferguson is the most predictable thing since The Simpsons predicted Donald Trump becoming president. This book, as bad as it is, does have some redeeming qualities, the accurate portrayal of many things led to lots of different connections in real life, but in this book the bad outweighs the good and males for a confusing, predictable novel. Although this book has many bad qualities, the development of the plot, and the characters is above average. The plot starts off with Cameryn finding a dead dog, which was killed by Kyle O'Neil, the same guy who kills Cammie’s teacher, Brad Oakes. The plot shows Cammie and Kyle falling in love, but really Kyle is just using her so he won’t get caught for killing Brad Oakes. The development of Kyle O’Neil’s character was fairly decent because we see him go from a scared boy who just watched …show more content…

This book, other than Kyle O’Neil’s character, had some of the worst characters that I have ever seen. First off, Cammie had literally zero personality, other than her back story. I can list off all of Cammie’s personality traits in one word: boring. There was also a love story brewing between Cammie and Detective Justin, but that was completely lost in the chance that Cammie might die. It was extremely obvious that Cammie wouldn’t die. Out of every single book that I have read, only in one has the main character dies, so there was really no real parel that Cameryn was in. Otherwise, the ending was extremely predictable. A week before the book ended, I put my prediction in the thought pot, and low and behold, I predicted the ending perfectly. Overall this book is a mess of predictable plots, bad characters, and an ending that could be predicted after reading the second or third