Summary Of Chapter 18 Mr. Ames Invited Torey To Tell Mrs. Kareed

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Day Five

Question: What is the most important part of the book so far?

Answer: When the cops take in Bo and Torey and Ali all go to the police station following Bo.

One example of "Rising Action" is after Christopher Creed goes missing, gossip begins to go around about his possible suicide or a murder. Torey finds out he isn't the only one tired of small-town talk and judgemental people. Torey, Ali, and Bo try to figure out what happened to Chris. They also try to save Bo from Mrs. Creed's wrath. That pushes the plot closer to the climax because it's causing more events to happen that will eventually cause the climax to be the climax of the story.

Day Six

Question: Do you really think Christopher actually has a girlfriend? Explain. …show more content…

In chapter 18 Mr. Ames invited Torey to tell Mrs. Creed about Chris's social life at school to help her understand what type of person he was.Torey said that Chris was a good kid but different, but Mrs. Creed didn't want to believe it. Mrs.Creed says there is no way her son could have written the note because he was happy. Ali mentions that he wasn't allowed to do the same things as everyone else,which could cause him to be unhappy. That caused Mrs.Creed to going off about how rough her life growing up as a boon kids was and saying that boon kids can be murderers. Torey says that he made the phone call so that Bo could find evidence of his innocence and Ali chimed in with her tale of finding the email at the library. Mrs.Creed rushes to Ali and say that they are lying, and that she will not give up until she destroys Bo's life because he destroyed …show more content…

Answer: Because Bo told his children that he had been fooling around with Ali's mom for about a year. Then Chief Bowen punched Bo about 6 times.

The climax is when Renee, accuses Bo and Torey of murdering Chris Creed. Torey blows up at his former friends, and goes in search of Chris's body to prove that Bo is innocent. When he does, he follows an Indian ghost. He then overturns a boulder, crushes his leg, and discovers a dead body that he believes to be burning. He believes that it's Chris.

Day Nine

Question: Did the book end in the way you thought it would?

Answer: No, the book didn't end in the way I thought it would. But I kind of expected there to be a twist towards the end of the book.

Overall I really enjoyed reading the book. I wasn't bored at any part and it was somewhat a easy read. A good aspect of the book was definitely the themes throughout the entire book that connected to everything. It was a really good well written book. What I thought was kind of a bad aspect was that we never really knew anything about Ali's brother, Greg. I wish there would have been at least a little part where Greg says how he is feeling or something because he's just a little kid. His parents got a divorce. There are strange men in and out of the house. And all of a sudden he has to live at Torey's house for two weeks. If I had to rate the book I would give it a 10 out of