Corrie Ten Boom once said “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t just throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit sill and trust the engineer”. Garfield and Lucretia encountered dark times in their relationship but when they decided to trust their hearts they saw the light. Millard does a good job at describing Garfield’s relationship with his wife, Lucretia, as awkward, difficult, and full of love, in “Destiny Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President.”
Millard says Garfield and Lucretia’s relationship was long and awkward and far more logical than passionate. Garfield and Lucretia spent most of their dating relationship trying to figure out how both were feeling. The beginning of their relationship
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Garfield began to fall in love with Lucretia and thought of her in a different way. After admitting his infidelity, Garfield saw his wife be brave during the tough time. Lucretia’s bravery help Garfield see that she was willing to be with Garfield even through the tough times. For the first time in their married they both loved each other and no one was hiding it. After Garfield became president, Lucretia got sick and became all that Garfield had on his mind. Garfield reacted to his wife’s illness was same as any spouse, He stressed and worried about his significant other. When my step-dad was in the ICU, I remember seeing my mother stressed and worried but trying to put a brave face on for everyone. All my mother wanted was the person she loved to make it through. Once Lucretia got ill, Garfield began to see life with out her and was willing to trade anything to keep her with him. According to Milliard, Garfield made his mistakes in his marriage but he loved his wife no matter the circumstance. Garfield’s relationship with his wife was awkward because of the mixed emotions during the beginning. Their relationship was difficult because of the dark times the couple faced. Even through the bad times, it was full of love because his change of heart and his distress for his wife. Their relationship may not have been normal but the were always connected in some