Garth Brooks's Song Analysis

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Right now you're probably thinking, "Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right. How can rejection be a form of protection?" But I'm not talking about rejecting by God. The Lord will never reject you - He will always love and accept you! The rejection I'm talking about is the rejection you sometimes face in your own life. When you feel like the world is rejecting you, whether at work, in your personal life or through the loss of something important to you, that may be God's way of protecting you.

No matter where you are, you should accept it as the place God wants you to be and trust in God's perfect timing. Thank God that He has seen in His wisdom to answer some of your prayers in unexpected ways and to answer others in the negative, because …show more content…

We should thank the Lord for all of the doors that He has opened and thank Him even more for the doors that He has closed in our lives. We should learn to trust that He know what is best for us and is in control of our destinies. We may not understand everything that is happening and we can't know what is in store for us in the future, but if we trust in Him, we can move forward knowing that He has our best interests at heart. After all, He knows the future and understands that there may be something far greater just around the next corner for us.

When we lose a job, go through a divorce, don't get that promotion we wanted or face any other form or rejection or disappointment, we must remember to fight our discouragement and put our faith in god. The temporary rejection is God's protection of our future. He is protecting us from some future hurt or sorrow by putting us on the proper path in the here and now. Yes, it can be a painful and harsh path to walk, but if we walk it in faith and allow God to comfort and keep us, we will get through the rejection and we will come out stronger on the other side, ready to accept the greater gifts He has waiting for us in the