Gatsby Love Quotes

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Ever wonder why people’s relationship fall apart Love is when a person have truly deep affection for someone Lust is when a person has a sexual desire fro one another Obsession is the state of being obsessed with someone these could be the reason a relationship start in the first place but it also could be the reason a relationship fail IN F-scott fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby peoples relationships fall apart because of Love,Lust<and Obsession. Love can be the reason people get in relationship but also could be the reason its fall apart Daisy loved and married Tom but while she was in a relationship she was also in love with gatsby, she loved gatsby so much that she thought about leaving tom for him . another example is with myrtle and wilson myrtle was going with wilson but she was cheating on him with Tom because she loves him. Daisy and Myrtle loving two people at once puts one of their relationships at risk “I did love him once-but I loved you too”(pg78,Ch7) this quote shows love because its shows Daisy loved Tom but she also love gatsby which mad her confused on the person she wanted. While love plays a big part in relationships in relationships,Lust also plays a part. …show more content…

Lust could be a positive thing in a person relationship but it also could be a negative thing Tom was married to daisy he was in love with her too but because of his sexual passion he cheated on her with myrtle which made daisy tired of him and kinda makes her want something else Tom loved daisy but because of his sexual desires he cheat on her which start to break up their relationship “I want to see you”(pg.15 ch.2) this quote shows Lust because it explains how Tom sexual desires makes him get away from daisy just to go see myrtle.Lust my be the reason for relationships to fail but obsession could be the main

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