Health Differences Between Men And Women

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Looking at the average lifespan, which is considered to be the measure of health in the 21st century, the 100-year-old era shows that the life expectancy of women and men is different. Likewise, gender differences between men and women cause health differences. According to the research, women lives approximately three years longer than men (Ogden, J (2017)). What differs between men and women in terms of illness and symptoms? The society defines character, attitude, behavioral characteristics, and even the profession based on gender to give expectations of the role. It is the gender role of a man to play as a leader in both family and society, as well as to be strong without being weak. On the other hand, women are pretty and obedient, and …show more content…

Health beliefs of male tend to draw out unhealthy behaviors. With their low risk perception, majority of them tend to believe health is not a big part of themselves. They disregard the severity as they perceive themselves superior in health than women. Due to it, men are far more prone to carry out behaviors that would destroy their health such as: poor diet, excessive drinking habit, smoke, do drugs, and other health-damaging behaviors in comparison to women. According to Ogden, Jane(2017), “ rate their subjective health status as higher than women rate theirs” (p.89). Men tend to enjoy behaviors that are high in risk of accidents and mortality rate. Men tend to live at the expense of their life, taking risky behaviors as a thrill. The tendency to carry out risky behaviors and disregarding their own health result to affect their health, causing more illness compared to …show more content…

Men are likely to be dull in the perception of symptom, which delays their help seeking behavior. As they do not care much about their health, it results to impact their health greater as illness might have progressed severely In contrast women have higher tendency to seek for help when they experience symptoms or are likely to have general check up which results to heighten their mortality rate compared to men with low mortality rate. Help seeking behavior has a direct impact on mortality rate. Hence, the differences in illness severity among genders are strongly influenced by their help seeking behavior. Although certain diseases can be prevented if found early, men tend to disregard the importance of medical seeking and lower their mortality rate even with a stronger body than