Gender Expression And Behavior Of Transgender Children

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Transgender is an inclusive term that is generally used to refer to those people whose gender expression, gender identity or generally behavior does not conform to the gender identity, expression or behavior that is typically associated with the sex that they were assigned to at birth. This normally happens at birth, a transgender person is assigned a certain gender identity that turns out to be different from the normal or typical gender identity in the society as known by people under normal conditions. Rynn, was one of those children who at a very young age knew they were in the wrong body. She has what is called gender dysphoria. Rynn is 11 years-old and is in middle childhood and is transgender. She is happy, but has gone through her own struggles of what transgender children go through when they are developing. …show more content…

Gender identity is that sense that exists internally within an individual that gives that person a feeling of being male or female (Chrisler & McCreary, 2010). On the other hand, gender expression refers to the communication of the gender identity through behavioral pratices such as clothing, hairstyle, characteristics of the body and voice. Gender expression is the main component that determines where the transgender person belongs in the society with regards to socialization and interaction. The reaction of other people towards transgender children greatly affects their development and general interaction with the other people in the society, this may also put them through many hardships and cause them to become depressed and hamper their normal development.
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