Gender Gap In Education In The United States

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From an American standpoint, there seems to be no issue in terms of a gender gap between girls and boys when it comes to schooling. For many years, young girls in the United States have been ensured an education that is just as effective and encompassing as that of young boys. In fact, it seems like the American school system may be now benefitting girls more than it does boys. However, this is not the case with all countries in the world. While the gender gap in education has been closed in many countries, including the United States, there still exist some places in the world where the state of education and literacy levels for girls and women is still desolate; this gap prevents young women from receiving the proven benefits …show more content…

First of all, and possibly most obviously, is the fact that education allows people to have access to better jobs. The more education and training that a person has, the better suited they are to perform in better paying and more competitive jobs. Formal education also allows people to “cross boundaries between private and public spheres” (Stromquist, 2015, p. 313). This means that people will be able to be involved in both their private, domestic lives as well as the public life and society. Formal education also provides people with development of “knowledge, and, indirectly, the psychological dimensions of empowerment by increasing the students’ sense of self-esteem, efficacy, and future life aspirations” (Stromquist, 2015, p. 313). By gaining knowledge, people are enabled to be confident in themselves and their abilities, become self-sufficient, and choose their future …show more content…

These different sections of schooling provide children with different benefits. Primary education, which occurs early in a child’s education, is largely focused on the installation of certain milestones. According to “The world’s women 2015”, “early education plays an important role in building a strong foundation for lifelong human development” (2015, p. 61). There is also evidence that suggests that the earlier a child begins schooling, the more likely they are to continue and complete their education. This makes primary schooling even more important; the likelihood of a child receiving the full extent of education is linked to their early enrollment in primary education. In terms of secondary education, schooling is focused less on milestones and more upon the installation of specific skills regarding careers. According to “The world’s women 2015”, “secondary education is the key to acquiring more complex skills and knowledge, which in turn offer individuals more opportunities in life, including preparation for tertiary education and better jobs” (2015, pg. 69.) It is not enough just to have primary schooling; without secondary schooling, one will not be prepared for college and