Gender Issues In Connie Pangarino's The Me In The Mirror

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The Me in the Mirror was written by Connie pangarino, she was writer and activist. She struggled of her disability but she faced lot of problems at the primary stage. Basically she was disabled but she struggled for her identity in the society because the problem of her gender .So my paper going to examines how the gender was problematic in her life in the society .As a woman she suffered with the gender problems and another one is the disability. The miserable problems in her life she encounter due to her gender and disability. Throughout her autobiography, she expressed t the male dominant society in which the women are struggling of their identity. So I examine all these things and how the disability was problem of women’s life these are issues in my paper. Another thing was disability how the disabled women are struggling for their identity in the society. How the disabled people, especially women’s struggles can be seen clearly in Connie pangarino’s the me in the Mirror.
Key Words: Writer, Activist, Gender, Disabled women etc... INTRODUTION:
Gender …show more content…

Many institutions of society, such as the media, family, childcare institutions or schools, preserve and Transmit stereotypes about men and women. Traditional gender traits in Western societies often relate To power: men and their typical activities are characterized as outgoing, strong, productive, brave, Important, public-oriented, influential and having high financial rewards and social recognition and Value. Women’s key characteristics reflect powerlessness: dependent, caring, passive and family-oriented. Women often hold subordinate positions, their work is less valued and it receives less recognition and remuneration. Girls or boys who do not conform to stereotypical expectations can experience criticism, ostracism and even violence. Such conflicts can confuse the development of children’s gender