Gender Roles In Worldviews

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INTRODUCTION: This essay will be discussing gender and how gender roles influence worldviews and how it has developed and changed. It will also be discussed of how worldviews has impacted the stereotypical gender roles in the modern society, and the different types of gender roles that has caused worldviews and gender to change constantly. GENDER ROLES AND HOW IT INFLUENCES WORLDVIEWS: People grow up with a certain mind set and a norm towards gender and gender roles. We stereotype gender roles, place them inside a box without giving it another thought, completely underestimating the roles of gender and how it can influence worldviews. We do not accept definite gender behaviours whether or not their qualities are acceptable in the modern society …show more content…

As we grow, we learn how to behave and act from those around us. Gender roles are based on norms and standards, which is created by the society. Cultures determines gender roles and what masculine and feminine is. Every culture has gender roles and they all have expectations for how women and men, should dress, behave, and look (Collins, 2014). Males are expected to be strong or masculine, confident and competitive; where females are expected to be more sensitive, supportive and submissive. Over the years’ worldviews and gender roles have changed and viewed differently from how it was then and now. Worldviews are constantly changing and so does the role of different genders. Society has an acceptable attribute for different genders and the role they play in the society. A lot of these roles or characteristics do not agree with the acceptance of worldviews and therefore gender roles does have a big influence on worldviews. Different worldviews and cultures have different opinions on gender and their roles; and as generations evolves the idea of gender expectations will change. Stereotypes and gender roles affect men and women in different …show more content…

Gender stereotypes form the foundation of sexism, or the discriminatory beliefs that males are of more value than females. Most common forms of sexism in the modern society, incorporate gender-role expectations, such as expecting women to stay at home and to be the caretakers of the household. Sexism also includes expectations people has on how that individual of a gender group should behave. Research have shown that gender socialization happens through four major aspects, which is family, education, friends, and media. Each one of these aspects have a big impact on a person’s identity and on how a person act and behave (Collins,