Gender Stereotypes In Mean Girls

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An initial impression of a film is made by not the film itself, but by the first look viewers get at the advertisements. The success and reputation of a film is decided by how and if it reaches its target audience. For a film to reach a specific audience, the filmmakers must utilize successful opening promotions by creating compelling posters and trailers to be able to single out and reach their intended audience. The famous film, Mean Girls, has employed promotional methods and marketing devices that not only targeted its intended teen girl audience, but also made way for positive first impressions. Through the conventional feminine color pink, aesthetic appearances, and distinctive space within frames, Mean Girls marketing utilizes gender stereotypes to create a fictional world in which the high school hierarchy is portrayed as shallow. By doing so, …show more content…

Color, most notably pink, used in the marketing suggests that the film’s main targets are in fact teen girls. This marketing device is utilized in order to appeal to the younger generation by imposing teen girl stereotypes of femininity and superficiality through the use of a color that is viewed as ‘girly’ by established societal norms. Pink becomes prominent in that it differentiates and establishes the popular girls, thereby clearly making a statement of superiority and defining it within the realms of the “girl world.” The color embodies the trailer and it even clashes with red in order to create a symbolic distinction between the two colors for the audience to be made aware of. For example, in the beginning of the trailer, Cady Heron is wearing a red