Gene Therapy Papers

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Lynsey M. Hicks
Mrs. Patillo
Honors Biology 1
28 October 2015
Gene Therapy Today, Current scientist have brought forth so many new discoveries to help tons of people with many problems. Gene therapy is one of the newest discoveries. Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or even get rid of a disease by placing a gene into a cell instead of using drugs or surgery. Depending on different variables, gene therapy can be a great idea or a potential issue of nature. Whenever you think about it, inserting a new gene into somebody’s cell to make them better is a brilliant idea. But there are many downfalls to this experiment also. What even is Gene Therapy? Well, Gene therapy is a treatment for changing the genes inside …show more content…

There are trillions of questions and problems that must be answered before gene therapy can go any farther. Are disabilities diseases and do they need to be cured/ prevented? People have different ideas on what disabilities are and if they can be cured. Since it depends on ethics, different people will have different thoughts of what a disability is and what it is not. This brings the question, what is a disability/ disorder, and who gets to decide. It will be a matter of opinion and bring about controversial comments from everyone and that could go far. ‘Gene therapy is a very expensive procedure. Who is going to pay for this and who will it be available to? Genetic disorders come to everybody: rich or poor. And for those who have wealth, would they be able to get this procedure done to change their hair color, eye color, height?’ (n.pag) These are all curious questions that without unanswered, gene therapy really can not go on any further. But all in all, gene therapy is an amazing brand new discovery that could change mankind for better or worse. If the questions are answered and answered ethically, then this will be a wonderful modern