Genesis 28-22 Research Paper

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Genesis 28:22 is the end of a reflection that Jacob had while on a journey back to his father's home in Haran. He stopped for the night in a city called Luz. In a dream, God shared with Jacob the promise He gave to Abraham. He also reminded Jacob that He would remain with him until the promise was fulfilled.

Although Jacob had been told of the promise by his father, this dream was a confirmation for him. Upon waking, Jacob renamed the city Bethel, which means "house of God." He made a vow to serve the Lord, his God, and to give Him a tenth of all God gave him.

The beginning of Jacob's vow really stands out because it shows that Jacob understands God's power and ability. In Genesis 28:20, Jacob acknowledges several things that can also …show more content…

Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us that God will never leave us nor forsake us. We have nothing to fear. We should not become discouraged when life's trials come.

There will be times where the money just does not appear capable of stretching to the end of the month. There will be times where financial transactions go sour and things don't work out as we might like. That does not mean that God is not present.

God will watch over him on his journey

We all are on a journey. Only God knows where we will end up. While no other person is on the exact same journey as we are, we know that God is with us. Although the journey may have twists and turns, bumps and curves, we have to learn to trust God through it. Since He knows the road, we should just allow Him to take the steering wheel.

God will give him food to eat and clothes to wear

Jacob is traveling from one city to another, and he is not worried about his food or his clothing. What faith he had! If we would just try God in that same respect. We claim to understand Matthew 6:31-34, but most of us fail to live it out. God knows everything that His children need, and He is willing to provide. The only thing He wants us to do is to seek Him. So simple, yet so