Genres And How They Affected The Entertainment Industry

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Identification of living and non-living things is an essential part for human beings therefore classification systems are created. In centuries long ago in the branch of biology two philosophers by the name of Aristotle and Theophrastus developed the first classification system. Aristotle was known for grouping animals according to their similarities where as Theophrastus continued his work by grouping plants according to their stem structure. As time went on much of the work they created did not survive to present day. Not only did the classification system affect biology but it also affected the entertainment industry. Genres began as a grouping for modern art and entertainment. Genres such as comedy, horror, drama, romance, and science fiction are unique forms of art.
Everyone needs a little bit of laughter at some point in their life; hence the genre of comedy comes alive. The use of comedy is the key ingredient to keep people from all age entertained. This type of genre is suitable for people …show more content…

Horror films and literature often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event or person. Some elements included would be ghosts, vampires, and even serial killers. A professor of social and organizational psychology at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands named Jeffrey Goldstein stated "… we watch for different reasons, which include enjoying the adrenaline rush, being distracted from mundane life, vicariously thumbing our noses at social norms, and enjoying a voyeuristic glimpse of the horrific from a safe distance.” The audience feeds off the sensation of fear and panic they get because they want it to affect them. There are different kinds of horror or sub-genres, which can be anything such as gothic-horror or supernatural horror. An example would be Dracula it’s a perfect classic horror movie with a subgenre of