Genres Like Country Music Analysis

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In Genres Like Country it typically seen as the most appropriate genre of music for everyone, especially younger kids. While Most country songs are in favor portraying a positive relationship between men and women tightening the gender gap there are still some questionable and inappropriate lyrics in some popular country songs that play all over the radio and “Songs that condemn the pretty, popular girl for “what she does on the mattress” and laud the band girl who stays carefully within the boundaries of the “good girl” confine our daughters to one side of the whore/Madonna complex (Health)”. Even though there way more songs that are “appropriate” than inappropriate those select few still do a huge amount of harm to tons of teens around the …show more content…

In recent years these artists have done a tremendous amount to portray a woman in Hip Hop in a positive light. These women have done an incredible job of making themselves their focus and not making it about the need of a man for any pleasure. In Queen Latifa’s song “U.N.I.T.Y.” she doesn’t portray men or women in any sexual way, she actually does the opposite, in the song she has images of men trying to do things to sexualize her but she does various things to stop these sexualizations. For example, in part of the video she is walking on the sidewalk one of the guys grabbed her butt and she immediately turned around and told him how nasty he was as well as stood up for herself and went after him for calling her a “bitch”. This song was released in 1992 and was one of the first ones to stand up for women and say that these actions that are so common are not okay and need to …show more content…

Beyoncé constantly does this, in her song “Video Phone” there are always numerous men around her however the difference from most other videos is that the men are all in suits and Beyoncé is the one sexualizing herself. From what she is wearing to the lyrics of her video. Also throughout the video most of the men’s faces are covered somehow implying that it doesn’t matter who they are. There are also numerous other women in the video who are in some cases wearing scandalous clothing, dancing provocatively and singing explicit lyrics, but the big difference is that they are not being sexualized by the other gender and they are not using the other gender to make themselves look a certain way.
These videos are a great examples of how the majority of women A list artists typically portray gender in their videos. Their goal is to get the most amount of people to purchase their songs and by embracing their own bodies and sexualizing the other gender it makes the artist look stronger and more dominant and therefore are more popular in