George And Lennie's Dream In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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Dreams can control us, they can determine our life outcome. They get into our minds and drive us to it’s goal. But sometimes the goal isn’t reached.. and our life is ruined. Sometimes dreams are wonderful, they give a reason to live, a reason to continue. They keep you going and everyone else around. Dreams draw people’s attention.. it makes people curious. It makes others want to take part and help. Other people who see someone so passionate about something get inspired and drawn in. Dreams can be wonderful or dreams can be horrible.

In the book Of Mice and Men a woman's dream wasn’t reached and she lives a depressing life. “Nother time I met a guy, an’ he was in the pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him. He was gonna put me in the movies, says I was a natural. Soon’s he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it” (Steinbeck 88). Here the woman gets excited about her opportunity. She finally gets to get out of the small town she lives in! Unfortunately that letter was never …show more content…

“S’pose I went in with you guys. That’s three hundred and fifty dollars I’d put in. I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens an’ hoe the garden some. How’d that be?” (59). Here a man offers to put in money so he can live with them, the money he puts in can help achieve their immensely. In this next quote we meet another guy whose willing to take part, “If you… guys would want a hand to work for nothing- just his keep, why I’d like to come an’ lend a hand. I ain’t so crippled, I can work like son-of-a-bitch if I want to”(76). Finally it looks as if their dream is coming closer, here you can tell they’re beginning to see the light. “They fell into a silence. They looked at one another, amazed. This thing they never really believed in was coming true” (60). Their dream drew in people who can help them achieve it, they were going to make

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