
Outline On Dreams Research Paper

713 Words3 Pages

TITLE: Dream

To inform my audience about how dreams give psychological significance to a person’s life.

Have you ever dreamed before? How important do you think a dream is? Unconscious thoughts, desires and feelings are crucial to an individual’s emotional and mental health often reflected themselves in a way through dreams. Today, I am going to tell you what a dream is and how dreams can give you attention and reminders on your own psychological health. The cycle of sleep and dream, and the interpretations of different dreams will be revealed later.

1. The Cycle of Sleep and Dream
A. Composition of Sleep
 Non-REM Sleep (First)
 REM Sleep (Later)
 Cycle starts over again until woke up

B. Non-REM Sleep …show more content…

REM Sleep
 Eyes moves a lot to different directions rapidly
 90 minutes after falling asleep
 Active brain leads to dreams occur
 Breathing and heart rate quickens
 REM sleeps will increase the period of time towards later stages
 20% of total sleep

2. Interpretations of different dreams
A. Falling Dreams
 Average at least 5 times for a person’s life
 Common dream
 Losing control of some incidents occur in your life
 For instance: lack of confidence, frightened of losing job or a love relationship, destiny of yourself cannot be controlled
 Associated to school/home/work life, everyday relationships

1. Falling into Water
 Trapped by emotions seriously
 Warning for solving the problem as soon as possible
2. Losing Balance about to Fall
 A problem occurs in your life
 Not stable life for the moment
 Build up confidence for yourself and with people surroundings
(Hint: place and people around you may give you clue to search for the problem)
3. On the Edge about to Fall
 Making risky or heavy decisions
 Stressful
 Slow down your

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