
George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-4 Essay

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George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is written about a future that Orwell saw for the world. He believed the world was leading to towards totalitarianism and wanted to express that Hitler and Soviet Russia were immoral. Using the novel Orwell spread his message of how totalitarianism is bad and how within a world run like that what physical control can do. Orwell also conveys the power of how language can do so much for people. As well as how a totalitarianism world could use this as a powerful tool to run the world. In the book we meet Symes a character who works for the Ministry of Truth and is working on developing the language Newspeak. This new language subjects the people to be unexpressive. This language allows words like freedom, bad and rebellion to be forgotten so no one could speak against the Big Brother. Syme talks to Winston about the word good, “Take ‘good,’ for instance. If you have a word like ‘good,’ what need is there for a word like ‘bad’? ‘Ungood’ will do just as well.” Through this Orwell wants to show what the power of words can do. His biggest message, what the power of words …show more content…

When Orwell wrote the book he felt that the world was moving towards totalitarianism and he wanted to say that Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are immoral. He wanted to express the impacts of what totalitarianism would lead to, so he showed it through his book. In the book the society is completely ruled by the dictator Big Brother such that no one can truly have his or her own opinion. Anyone who even looked suspicious would be vaporised. By doing this he showed how the government had total control over the people. The telescreens were also conveying how much the government had control over the people as, Big Brother was always watching. No one had any privacy. Orwell makes that very clear early in the book by the quote, “Big brother is watching you,” when Winston starts to write in his

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