George Washington Dbq Essay

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I am writing to answer some questions you asked about George Washington during your visit to our country. At the time of your visit, I did not know the answers to your questions, but now I do and am better prepared to answer them. From 1754 to 1763 the British and French were involved in a war known as the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War was fought to determine who got what land in North America. It was a long struggle that the British eventually won but at a huge financial cost. The debt from this war almost destroyed the British government. It was this debt that caused tensions that led to the Revolutionary War.
To recover money spent in the French and Indian War, the British Parliament levied taxes on the colonies. In …show more content…

In 1774 the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and declared that the Coercive Acts were not to be obeyed. Parliament declared the Massachusetts Colony to be in a state of rebellion. In April 1775 the Massachusetts Governor is ordered by England to stop the rebellion using whatever force necessary. Soon a disagreement between colonial militiamen and the British guard took place at Lexington, Massachusetts. An unordered shot was fired and the American Revolution began. The first major battle of the revolution was fought at Bunker …show more content…

His army was low on food and short on supplies. Washington stayed with his troops through all of these trying conditions. Washington ordered his soldiers to build wooden huts for themselves and search for straw to use for bedding. He hoped this would keep them warm since there were not enough blankets for everyone. Washington continuously wrote letters to congress telling them unless something was done this army would no longer exist. Washington finally convinced the members of delegation that the Continental Congress should provide help to his army. This brought stability and endurance to his army that would last for the final three years of the