George Washington's Accomplishments

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There has been many great presidents in office throughout the years. One stood out in particular. This president led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S constitution. Being the president of the United States is a huge honor, but also a tremendous job. It can be hard and very stressful. This person carries the lives of many in his hands. Imagine being the first president. George Washington, a well-respected man in the colonies, fought diligently for his beliefs in America’s freedom, and was unanimously chosen as the first president of the United States. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 on the south bank of the Potomac River …show more content…

He was the last of Martha’s remaining children. His sister died as a teenager, eight years earlier following an epileptic seizure. Martha was devastated by Jacky’s death. In September 1776, George’s half-brother Lawrence and his friend and mentor Colonel William Fairfax hatched a plan for the 14 year old that would have him joining a Royal Navy frigate anchored along the Virginia Shore as a midshipmen (“George Washington’s Biography” 1). George Washington received his first military appointment as a major in the Virginia Military, in 1752. In the fall of 1753 Dinwiddie sent 21-year Major Washington to deliver a message to the French, demanding they the area. In 1753 the Governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie, noticed that French troops were moving south from Canada. They were constructing forts in the region south of Lake Erie. With the help of the frontier guide and Indians from the town, George reached the French fort and delivered Dinwiddie message. On the way back Washington’s endurance was tested. He hiked for days on the snowy environment he fell off a raft into the Allegheny River, he almost did not make it, and was required to spend a freezing night on an island that did not have a shelter. …show more content…

Washington took the oath of office as president there in Federal Hall on April 30, 1789. The Federalists wanted the U.S. to support Britain and the Democratic-Republicans wanted them to support France. Washington found the presidency crowded with ceremonial activities. He finally places a notice in a New York newspaper: the president would receive “visits of compliment” only between 2 and 3 P.M. two days a week. George Washington lent the presidency dignity, and numerous patterns were established during his first term. Congress passed the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the constitution. It fixed the president and the Vice- President salary, the President was earning $25,000 a year and the Vice President was earning $5,000. To Washington a distressing part of his presidency was the rise of political parties. He condemned what he called “Fractions.” Jefferson and Madison formed the Democratic - Republican Party. The two groups split on many issues, including foreign affairs. Britain and France were at war in the 1790’s (Liebenson 21). Once again Washington won the vote of every elector, 132, and carried 15 states. John Adams received the second highest votes with 77 and once again became the Vice- President (DeGregorio 8). Washington later complained of a sore throat. His doctors decided that he had Quincy, a severe form of tonsillitis. They could do nothing for him as the membranes in his throat