Gerald Graff Hidden Intellectualism Analysis

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In the short story "Hidden Intellectualism" by Gerald Graff, the main idea is to bring acknowledgment to the idea that educators of schools and colleges should incorporate students interest into their teaching. In other words, Graff believes schools and colleges are at fault for not taking the opportunity to use "street smarts" for good academic work (Graff,2010). If Gerald Graff is right about educators needing to incorporate "street smarts" into scholarly works, as I agree, then educators should reevaluate their teaching methods. Students are becoming negligent of gaining knowledge of social interest because it is not encouraged by instructors. Therefore, the only topics students can converse with are related to school work (Graff,2010). Graff consistently targets teachers in this story, mainly because he knows that educators are capable of changing the never-ending pattern in the school system but educators are not attempting to use the many opportunities available (Graff, 2010). The author, target teachers not in a negative aspect but in a positive aspect to invite change. Graff is approaching the situation in an …show more content…

Graff has an understanding of how teachers think and can speak about it, which in turn makes him credible because he is an educator. Also, with him being credible he makes himself very persuasive. While he is criticizing himself and his colleagues, he states facts that are merely opinions from his field of knowledge. He is criticizing himself to show he is not biased, coupled with he wants the audience to engage in his story with an open-mind. With doing that, he is trying to gain the publics’ trust in order for them to later understand his position better. His choice of words and arguments are chosen wisely to engage the