Geriatric Trauma Case Study

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This research project will study the differences between geriatric trauma patient outcomes and non-geriatric trauma patient outcomes at a Level 1 trauma center. Specific psychological outcomes include depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, resiliency, and alcohol abuse. These outcomes will be identified using various assessments at time of hospitalization and 12 months post-injury as part of the Baylor Trauma Outcomes Project (BTOP) database, a prospective longitudinal study aimed at measuring psychological, physical, and functional outcomes after injury. The following assessments will be used to evaluate their respective psychological outcomes. The Patient Health Questionnaire 8 (PHQ-8) is a brief self-report measure of …show more content…

These variables will be obtained from the Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) Trauma Registry at baseline. This registry is a database comprised of patient information, including demographic variables and injury variables, from all Trauma Activation Response Team (TART) activations here at BUMC.

II. HYPOTHESIS This practicum project will study the hypothesis that the rate of negative psychological outcomes among geriatric trauma patients is different from that of non-geriatric trauma patients. This could be secondary to the differences in etiology of injury between geriatric trauma patients and non-geriatric trauma patients. It could also be a result of differences in life experiences between the two populations.

III. …show more content…

The data showed increased levels of depressive symptoms at 1 year were statistically associated with poorer functioning in all physical and mental health HRQOL domains (Abraham et. al., 2014). Also, PTSD at 1 year was statistically associated with all HRQOL domains, except role-physical. This further supports the notion that trauma patients in gerneral suffering from depression and/or PTSD have poorer physical

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