German Blitzkrieg Essay

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- Function: Provide information on the German Blitzkrieg
- German Blitzkrieg was defined as a lightning war -- Germany wanted a short war -- Germany’s strategy was to defeat its opponents in a series of short campaigns --- Resulted in Germany overrunning much of Europe --- Victorious for more than two years
- Germans were the first to use the Blitzkrieg technique in World War 2
- Blitzkrieg tactics used offensive weapons and a specific plan of attack -- Tactics were based on speed and surprise -- Tanks, planes and artillery were used to control narrow fronts -- Forces drove a breach in enemy defenses allowing armored tank divisions to roam freely and penetrate at an excessive speed -- The offensive measure caused shock and …show more content…

- German commander Erwin Rommel used Blitzkrieg during the desert campaigns in North Africa.
- Higher commanders were the only ones that had freedom to make decisions -- Only the best were selected to lead troops in the Blitzkrieg
- German air power played a big role in the successfulness of the blitzkrieg -- Adequately prevented resupplying and redeploying forces -- Encircled opposing troops forcing them to

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