German Shepherd Persuasive Essay

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Advice for Adopting a German Shepherd

Among the most loyal and dedicated dog breeds in this earth is the German Shepherd. Deciding to get a German Shepherd to enter your life can be a taxing yet rewarding experience, as all dog adopters have undergone. But before you take that awesome dog home, take time to digest and put these points into mind: 1. Check with your landlord if it is OK to adopt a dog.

If you are renting your own home, it would be best to ask your landlord if they'll allow you to keep a German Shepherd in your home. You might also need to confirm your lessee's homeowners’ insurance company if they will allow this kind of breed to live in their property because if they do allow such, your premiums could rise.

2. Read as much as you can about …show more content…

Decide where to adopt.

There are common sites where one can adopt a German Shepherd and these are animal shelters, pet shops, and local dog breeders. Each place has its pros and cons and it is up to the adopter (that's you) to do his/her research to determine the best spot where to adopt.

7. Get ready for negative perceptions.

Of course, not everyone finds German Shepherds their cup of tea so expect negative reactions and perceptions to come your way. Generally, most institutions and people consider this breed to be among the most dangerous in the dog family. So, it's best to learn to roll with the punches and decide to be the best owner you can be, giving your beloved furball all the love, guidance and training it deserves to make it the best pet there is too.

8. Once you get the OK, get ready to meet your new family member.

It will be an exciting time for you and your family so it is wise to ready the place for the new addition to your family. Stock up supplies and have a place for their cosy spot. Also, don't forget to teach family members, especially the kids, how to treat this kind of dog and the dangers it might pose, in case it acts up.

9. Contact a trainer and schedule obedience