Gerontology Chapter 14 Summary

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Chapter fourteen was based on the personal context of later life, which pretty much means we learned about older individuals lives. Another way to describe a good amount of this chapter is by classifying it as gerontology which is the study of ageing. The number of older individuals are increasing significantly, people are living longer thanks to medical and technological advancements. As we age there are two main factors that cane effect our life expectancy, genetic and environmental. Genetic is what you are born with, so individuals have no control over if they have good genes or not. Environmental factors can be controlled slightly based on where someone may live or what kind of lifestyle they live. Part of aging though is dealing with physical ages, the cardio vascular system decreases in efficiency and other senses decrease as well such as: breathing, vision, and hearing. …show more content…

Normal changes include a slower reaction time and forgetfulness such as just needing a reminder of something. There are different tools scientists and therapist have developed to help older people keep their memory with different activities to work their mental processing skills. Cognitive processing changes with age, many believe that as we age we become wiser with experience, so make sure to respect your elders. Sadly, many people believe older people are all depressed, but that’s a myth, depression declines with age. Dementia is the biggest problem older people are at risk for, it is impairment of behavior and cognitive functioning. There are may different types of dementia, it is an umbrella term that covers Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. They all cause permanent damage to the brain, but have different

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