Getting Rid Of Polygamy Essay

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When it comes to polygamy and marriage, there is a disputation on the role of adults. A common cause of this issue is because the ideal is introduced into scarce male populations. Some adults feel as if they should be able to do whatever they want just because they enforce consent, and there are others who emphasize the adverse effect it has on women. Regardless, polygamy still exists and serves as a problem because it treats women as if they are inferior to men. According to one source, “women in polygynous communities have higher rates of HIV infection than men, sustain more domestic violence, succumb to more female genital mutilation and sex trafficking, and are more likely to die in childbirth” (Riley). This simply points out nothing but …show more content…

By getting rid of polygamy, there would be an increase in parental expenditure. For example, “Men with lots of children and wives are spread too thin, and to make things worse, they are compiling resources to attract their next wives instead of using it for their existing families” (“Awful”). Whenever someone starts a family, the money in most cases goes towards raising the kids and paying the bills so that proper shelter and needs are provided. That alone is already enough money being spent because according to one source, “Families can expect to spend between $12,350 and nearly $14,000 a year, on average, to raise a child” (“Middle-Income”). However, in a household embracing polygamy, the priorities are different because seeking for multiple women becomes of importance on top of what should be of uppermost value in a household, a family’s well-being. Libby Copeland from also points out that “households without polygyny tend to do better than those from polygynous households in the same communities” (“Awful”). This shows that polygamy potentially puts a household at a disadvantage because of the lack of funding. This is important because. In conclusion, polygamy takes a significant toll on income, with it as a factor, it is hard for a household to flourish due to the lack of attention and funding