
Ghost Of Christmas Influence On Scrooge

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The ghost of Christmas past influenced Scrooge because it showed him that money doesn’t matter. The ghost showed Scrooge with Belle and Scrooge realized what he missed out on. Scrooge and Belle were not together anymore because he cared more about his wealth than her. The ghost of Christmas past showed Scrooge a time when Belle broke off their engagement and Scrooge said, “Spirit! Show me no more! Conduct me home. Why do you delight to torture me?” This shows that Scrooge was upset when that happened and that he was still upset about it, when the ghost showed that to him. The next thing the ghost showed Scrooge was Belle with her family. When Scrooge saw Belle with her husband and children Scrooge said, “Leave me! Take me back! Haunt me no
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