Girlhood Documentary Summary

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SUMMARY Girlhood Documentary follows two young, delinquent females for three years. The focal point of this summary will be on only one of the young women, Megan. Megan was raised by her mother, Vernessa, until the age of four. Vernessa started using drugs, and allowed Megan to spend more time with her grandmother. According to Megan, her grandmother could not handle all of the children so she let her go into foster care. The documentary picks up with Megan at the age of sixteen in Waxter Children’s Center. She is in placement due to running away from foster home’s, and assault. She lived in eleven different foster homes, and ran away from ten of them. Megan “swears nobody loves her,” and she mainly responds this way when she is being corrected on her behaviors. She even states, “I don’t go a day without getting in trouble.” In the year 2000, after receiving a card from her mother, Megan gets caught trying to escape Waxter. Upon meeting with Mr. Morris, Mr. Gotti, and Mr. Burris …show more content…

According to her court order, she will need to complete a Therapeutic Community (TC) Program in the state prison system before she is able to see parole. In this six month TC program, they will focus on the core issues of Megan’s behavior. She will be placed in a small building with no more than fifty women whom she can relate to, and learn to trust. She, also, will meet with a therapist that will be assigned to work with her every day. The therapist will give her a treatment plan after discussing what brought Megan to this point. The treatment will cover the abandonment and abuse Megan has endured. Megan will be involved in group discussion, and be required to attend Narcotic Anonymous (NA) meetings. Another one of parole’s stipulations is for her to obtain the General Education Diploma (GED) while in this program. This will help with stability of finding employment upon Megan’s