
Glass Menagerie And The American Dream Essay

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Both these play namely rising in the sun and Glass menagerie primary focus is on the American dream this is shown through characters in the play they fail to live up to their potential. Both plays show the importance of dream regardless of various struggles that people come across in life. In this essay will compare and contrast character of Tom from Glass menagerie and Walter from rising the sun.
Tom had problem with fitting where he worked because warehouse was really not perfect place for someone like him with rebelled mind. Tom stumbled mentally in his ability to look for escape which would be his only way out. Tom dreams of being writer, this represent those people in America that had big dreams but it was hard making them …show more content…

This creates a conflict in house everyone in the family has dreams but Amanda is imposing her dreams to her children rather letting them figure out their own dreams. He tries to escape realty through alcohol and always going out to the movies because when he was home his mother always reminded him how selfish he is. When he goes to the movies he create atmosphere that free him from reality. At the end of the play Tom abandon his family like his father did to find independency and pursuing his dreams. Tom just become like his father when he abandoned Amanda and Laura
Walter is strongly affected by financial status because he feel less of man that he can’t take care of his family and obsession with money has strong hold on his psyche .Walter wants to invest money liquor because he wants his family had have to better future financially. He wants to give son better opportunities that he never had and this dream will come through if they are better financially secured. The rest of the family wanted spend money on buying property. Walter knew his priorities are standing by his family and he invested on the

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