Glenn Miller's Role In World War II

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In the years 1939 through 1945, World War II took place between the Axis Powers and Allies . Germany’s attack on Poland, in 1939, was the first indication that Hitler meant business and wouldn’t stop till he reached his ultimate goals. The U.S. had no interest in joining the fight up until 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor . Having no other choice and wanting revenge for the destruction, the U.S. joined the fight and caused a major turning point in the war. The war caused massive amounts of destruction and deaths which caused soldiers to giving up and feel hopeless with fears of dying. Although many people overlook Glenn Miller’s importance in WWII, he made an enormous contribution to the war effort. He had to go through a few barriers before being in charge of the Army Air Force Band (AAF), but because of his music background, he was given the opportunity …show more content…

The weather that day was foggy and cold around 34 degrees, and he was concerned about flying. He said to his friend, “Haynes, even the birds are grounded today.” Even though he was afraid, he got on the plane and went from England to Paris to give a live performance for the soldiers who recently liberated Paris. No person in the band traveled with him that day. He was reported Missing in Action and there were many theories of what could have happened that caused the plane to disappear. Fred Shawn, a witness, says that he saw a Norsemen plane get hit by one of the British Royal Air Force bombs that had been dropped while returning from an aborted mission. Another theory but was highly unlikely, was that he was on a secret mission to assassinate Hitler. Others say that the plane’s carburetor froze under cold temperatures causing the engine to stop. Documents have stated that the carburetor engine was defective in cold weather and all pilots who had that type of engine were

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