Global Warming Isn T Real Essay

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People every day state that global warming isn’t real and that the climate is fine, when it is clearly not. Many believe that climate change isn’t real and that the believers are using fake science to support it. In the article titled, “Climate change science implodes as IPCC climate models found to be “totally wrong” … temperatures aren’t rising as predicted…hoax unraveling” author, Mike Adams states, “The paper, a confession authored by climate change alarmists Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar, and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been biased and crafted towards “worst case” warming predictions that were designed to alarm and scare the general public”. The researchers also said that carbon dioxide …show more content…

“The global warming hoax and the fake science behind climate change” is an article by George Lujack and he states, “Antarctica once a tropical continent, before the biblical global flood of Noah, in a time when the Earth’s temperature was regulated throughout the globe”. Whenever a glacier falls apart into the ocean, many people try and blame it on climate change but it’s really just called “spring and summer” and it’s called seasonal warming. The reason why out climate is stable is because of our ecosystem which are basically plants and animals. Scientists lied when they said carbon emissions is heat trapping and it doesn’t do anything for us. The more man-made carbon dioxide emissions we can make the more the whole world and plants can breathe in the carbon, “Earth did not have a symbiotic relationship with plant life upon it to take in the carbon emissions and churn out clean filtered oxygenated air in its place”. The earths sky’s cleanses its self from Carbon dioxide and other air pollution by raining and it all brings those gases are gone and this makes the air breathable. Carbon emission is natural gas and it helps the earth by getting it strong and cleansing the atmosphere, and represents “Symbiotic relationship oxygen-breathing animals and carbon-breathing plants through which the earth