Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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Humans are the most influential and destructive living things on this planet, and our mistakes are starting to have an effect on our lives. These actions have created the occurrence we know as global warming. This is the average warming of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans by way of natural warming processes, but is greatly amplified by human emissions of greenhouse gases and pollution. Carbon Dioxide is the major gas that we pump into the air every day, as waste from industrial processes, transportation emissions, and energy production. These gases in the Earth's atmosphere lead to heat that is reflected off the Earth from the sun’s rays to become trapped, creating higher temperatures in the atmosphere, which is in turn, absorbed by the oceans. The average temperature increase in the past 150 years has been over 1.5 degrees F. This warming of the oceans and air creates the possibility for storms to become much larger and deadly. These storms are made more dangerous with rising sea levels due to melting ice caps and glaciers near …show more content…

Even if there isn’t enough historical data on CO2 levels and temperature changes, there are still obvious changes throughout the world that are causing need for worry. These overshadowing events due to climate changes, along with human’s continued sprawl into wild ecosystems and pollution of the land, water, & air, we have created problems that are soon to become out of our control. I do not agree, however, with some environmental extremist views, such as Al Gore, that have been using fear-mongering methods of alerting the public. Though this may be effective at informing the billions of people that live on the planet, it may be viewed as wrong due to the fact that people are getting the impression that there may be no hope left for our