Globalization After World War 2 Dbq Essay

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The question of whether or not globalization benefited everyone after World War Two ( 1945-present) can be a hard question to answer. But I’m here to tell you about the positive benefits of globalization after the war. Although there were many negative impacts, there were many positive impacts such as increased income and life expectancy. Globalization After the war, there were tremendous changes in income. The graph (in document 3) shows the sky rocket of income from 1800 where most people were taking home a salary below the poverty line, then increasing during 1975 where more people were making enough money to barely surpass the poverty line but leaving thousands still in poverty. In more recent years, more than half of people were above …show more content…

The graph then goes on to show in more recent years such as 2000-2019 that people are now expected to live to be about 75, which is an increase of 15 years! With people being able to make more money and provide for themselves and their families, they are able to put more food on the table and better shelter, making survival easier and increasing the years you can live. Even though there were many who benefited from globalization after the war, there were many negative impacts as well. ( According to Andalusia Knoll Soloff, a writer for Vice News,BBC and other newspapers) Globalization was a bad thing for the earth. Knollsoloff writes about the pollution and toxic chemicals released into the planet earth environment. Not only were there toxic chemicals, but there were long hours of hard labor producing cheaply made things that don't last, showing the bad causes of globalization. Globalization has impacted many people in good and bad ways. The question of whether or not globalization after World War II had a positive or a negative impact still remains a hard question to

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