Consumer Culture And Globalization

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Many economic, political and cultural practices have been changed due to globalization, which has influenced the international acceptance of the consumer values and created the fear of the disappearance of local cultural traditions. According to Buehler & Halbheer (2012) globalization has a massive correlation both positive and negative with religious and national cultures. Most of the researches on globalization effects has been focused on studying the similarity and differences between psychological behaviour of consumers and globalization to know the social changes across countries. In addition, globalization may create new lifestyles as well as lead to the isolation from the community due to the adoption of unexpected behaviour (Chiu, et al., 2011).
Mooij (2003) found that “in individualist cultures, people are more likely to buy unknown brands than in collectivist cultures”. This explains why in areas where there are no family and community ties, the consumption of global brands is likely to be high in comparison to the areas where community is strong. In collective cultures, the need of recognition and following the set norms and cultural practices explains why many people are reluctant to use global products and services as they may perceive that it is a foreign product by their family members (Huang, Wang, & Shi, 2012).
Some elements of globalization and international forces have also contributed an effect on consumer behaviour such as identity and environment