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Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta was born on April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico. Huerta is an American labor leader, civil rights activists, and was the co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association. Huerta’s father, Juan Fernandez, was a miner and a farm worker and later became the State Assemblyman of New Mexico. At an early age her parents divorced. Huerta lived most of her years with her mother, Alicia Chavez, and two brothers in Stockton, California.
A middle-aged woman, by the name of Anna Garcia, was found dead inside her home at around 9:00AM. From the findings that we have gathered, I observed that there was a pattern. Things from DNA, crime scene information, to persons of interests. There was unknown DNA at the scene, such as the mystery blood. The crime scene information had many questioning things in it.
Dolores Huerta is an advocate for human rights. She fights for immigrants, women, workers, and fellow Latinos, and has left an immense mark on the state we call home, California. She has conducted several works for humanity, but is most known for the creation of the United Farm Workers (UFW), with co-leader Cesar Chavez, and the movement for the rights of farmworkers against the California grape growers in the 1960s and 1970s. Huerta has changed the lives of countless inhabitants of the United States, earning herself the title of hero. In many ways Huerta fits into the template for an archetypal hero.
The Rhetorical Analysis of – Why We Keep Playing the Lottery Consciously and constructively sensitizing the public of the need to understand the game of playing the lottery, Adam Piore, a freelance journalist with main focus on international business and travel, wrote an article titled “Why We Keep Playing the Lottery”. He wrote to make his audience understand the tricks in playing the lottery, and also to understand that the American Government extorts money from the poor community through the sale of lottery tickets. While analyzing the impact of playing the lottery on the American population, the author uses inoffensive word choices to explain the fundamental facts of playing the lottery. His main argument is that people are tricked into playing the lottery by good marketing schemes, positive re-enforcement, and by substituting logic with fantasy. He effectively convinces his audience of his argument through the use of statistics, references
Cesar Chavez had a great pride towards everything he stood for, whether it was his catholic beliefs or protecting his fellow man from the oppressor. Growing up in America, Cesar Chavez witnessed discrimination from being Mexican first hand. By growing up in a family oriented catholic home, he was raised to care about the well being of others and to approach life in a nonviolent manner. Having a father who was a farmer, he witnessed the poor living conditions and wages that were given to him and knew that something had to be done. Cesar Chavez’s fight for improving working conditions for farmers helped him gather a large following of Mexican Americans.
Over the past twenty-nine years, Florida Lottery has had more than 35,000 players become millionaires and has given more that 52.4 billion dollars in prices. Many think of the lottery as a gift that keeps on giving. Such people believe winning the lottery will solve all their problems—financial and personal included—with just a snap of their fingers or a swipe of their credit card. However, scientific research shows 1,900 winners filed for bankruptcy within five years after their ‘victory’. Based on many scientific studies, the lottery does more harm than good.
Dolores Huerta was born in the early 30’s to her compassionate mother, Alicia, who helped low-wage workers by accommodating them at her hotel for free. Alicia, a role model to her daughter, inspired Dolores to help others as well. Despite excelling in school and extracurricular activities, Dolores faced racism in her Californian school, and was once even accused of plagiarism by a teacher who believed Dolores was incapable because she was Hispanic. As stated by the writers of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, she began a career as a teacher which was soon cut short because she could not bear seeing children in terrible economic conditions on a daily basis. Angered, she began a life of activism. ("Dolores Huerta.")
Isabel Gonzalez was a Puerto Rican activist who helped make the way for Hispanic/Latinos(Spanish) to have civil rights. She’s famous for pursuing the citizenship for Puerto Ricans. Gonzaléz has fought many cases in court, in honor of her family, to ensure the citizenship for all Puerto Ricans. Through her zestful efforts, Puerto Ricans are official United States citizens and has the same rights as any other American. Isabel Gonzaléz traveled to New York on the S.S. “Philadelphia” when she was 20, to find the father of her unborn child in hope he would help her take care of the baby.
The irony of the lottery is that it’s random and everyone has the same chance of being picked, it also exposes what kind of character Mrs. Hutchinson is. Mrs. Hutchinson at first is thought to be a caring mother, but when under pressure, instead of attempting to protect her children, she selfishly wanted to include all her children, specifically her married daughter, in the drawing to make them “take their chance” (299), to improve her chances of survival. Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Hutchinson are good friends, joking about Mrs. Hutchinson’s tardiness to the drawing. Although they’re friends, “Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands” (301) and promotes the stoning of Mrs. Hutchinson. The irony of the friendship is that the ritual is so embedded in the community that Mrs. Delacroix does not hesitate to murder her good
The short story “The Lottery” written by Shirley Jackson, the plot in the story that it only gives people an account of drawing lots to determine the winner who shall be stoned to death for harvest. However, we get a deep impression of the characters and their fate after reading the story. Jackson indicated a prevalent theme, the indirect of characterization and using symbolism and irony to modify this horror story. The Allegorical story of “ The Lottery” is often regarded as a satire of human behavior and social institutions, and exemplifies some of the central themes of Jackson’s fiction, including the victimization of the individual by society, the tendency of people to be cruel, and the presence of evil in everyday life.
Throughout centuries, traditions and rituals have had the ability to control one’s behavior. In Shirley Jackson’s, “The Lottery”, she tells the reader of a small village. On the surface, this community may seem relatively normal. However, despite the picturesque appeal, this falsely serene village has a distinct deceitful flaw. On June 27th, every year, a lottery takes place.
Adam’s and Old Man Warner’s discussion about the idea of giving up the lottery. Old Man Warner states that “there’s always been a lottery” (Jackson 142). The inference of Old Man Warner’s words and tone suggests that there will always be a lottery, and that it should always remain, that it is wrong to question its existence. Given the violent nature of the lottery’s results and its enduring tradition throughout generations of participants, each succeeding generation obviously grows accustom to the violence and brutality it calls for. The children, for example, readily prepare for the occasion by amassing “a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and [guarding] it” (Jackson 139).
Many people would die to win the lottery; in the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson you would do anything NOT to win this lottery. This annual lottery reveals the negative aspects of this town’s Tradition, Savagery, Barbarism, and cold-heartedness. In this paper I will show why this town blindly follows these customs, not because it’s a tradition but because of the accepting wickedness that can be shown. Why does the town follow this foolish tradition? Throughout “The Lottery” the narrator tells that the people do not remember how the lottery began, and that some of the older people believe the lottery has changed over the years, that now people just want to get it over with as fast as possible.
“We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society” (“Famous Angela Davis quotes - We have to talk about ….). Angela Davis no longer accepted the philosophies or ideas she could not modify within others, but worked to change the beliefs she could no longer accept. Davis aimed for her voice to be heard, so that her perspectives would perceive and taken into account by society. Davis is best known as a profound African-American educator, extremist for civil rights, and other advocate of other social issues. She realized about racial prejudice from her experiences with discrimination growing up in Birmingham, Alabama.
As ‘The Lottery’ is a short story, the author doesn’t expound each and every detail. There is a ‘vacuum’ in the story, but it is a desirable vacuum. It leaves a room for diverse imaginations, accommodating an active participation of its readers. For example, the author doesn’t give much information about the lottery or characters. All we know about the lottery is that it is an old tradition that involves