
Gluten Free Beer Research Paper

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Gluten Free Beer is beer which is made from gluten free grains. Mostly beers are made from grain carrying gluten, therefore, most beers cannot be consumed by celiac, intolerant or sensitive to gluten or person who need or want to follow a gluten free diet. However, there are certain brands such as Estrella Damm, RedBridge or Bard’s etc. that have launched a type of beer without gluten. These follow a specific process very carefully to reduce/remove the gluten to limits suitable for coeliacs. This process begins in malting, a technique that prepares the grain for cooking, where the grain germinates the future beer before roasting and later added the ingredients that transform it into beer. This whole process has different phases in which …show more content…

This beer gets easy and is light and bubbly - almost like drinking a siphon or lemonade. ABV: 6.00% Link: https://www.dogfish.com/brewery/beer/tweasonale Harvester Brewing (Ground Breaker) Harvester Brewing IPA not only made gluten-free oats certified - but used Pale Roasted chestnuts and Horizon, Willamette, Cascade and Meridian hops in this IPA to give it its distinct flavor. ABV: 6.10% Link: https://www.groundbreakerbrewing.com/ RedBridge RedBridge is made with sorghum to make it gluten-free. It’s a smoother lighter taste, slightly sweet, and without a strong, hoppy …show more content…

Peter's Gluten Free Light yellow with soft gold accents, white and creamy foam. Intense aromas of natural lemon mixed with hints of toasted cereal and lemonade. ABV: 4.2% Link: http://www.stpetersbrewery.co.uk/ Bard’s Gluten Free Bard is made from 100 percent malted sorghum and contains no wheat, barley, rye or oats. Bard is more of a larger malt style beer with flavor. ABV: 4.6% Link: http://www.bardsbeer.com/ Glutenberg Glutenberg is made with sorghum and grains like tapioca and teff. It is golden blond, dry, perfectly bitter, with notes of lemon skin, but most important of all, a gluten-free beer that tastes like real ale. ABV: 5.5% Link: https://glutenberg.ca/ Celia Saison Beer is made from sorghum syrup, Curacao orange peel, and Celia hops to create a fresh, beer-drinking tart with a spicy and citrus profile. ABV: 6.50% Link: www.ipswichalebrewery.com/CELIA.PAGE.html Brunehaut Brunehaut Blond won a silver medal in the year of 2011. It is made from barley and extracts the gluten. It is slightly sweet and it has a slight caramel flavor with some fruit and spice. ABV: 5% Link: http://brunehaut.com/en/products/brunehaut.html Altiplano Quinoa

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